Advancing sound policy solutions to support better buildings and communities that enhance health, equity and well-being.
Across numerous venues and platforms, we are advancing a robust advocacy agenda to lift the voice of our community and bring new legislative ideas to the fore, while also standing up key policy conversations on affordable housing, healthcare facilities, federal buildings, schools and other priority sectors.
Our team engages at the federal, state and local levels to raise awareness among policymakers regarding the link between human health and buildings.
IWBI's International Healthy Building Accord is a global call to action affirming the imperative for healthy buildings, identifying key focus areas and outlining strategic policy actions necessary to accelerate healthy buildings worldwide. The Accord is shaped by contributions from foremost health authorities and informed by an extensive and thorough body of health and buildings research and scientific evidence.
Explore the significant progress IWBI and its dedicated community has made in advancing healthy buildings and organizations, including details on the global impact and continued momentum of WELL.
Our advocacy extends to Capitol Hill, where we engage with national lawmakers who have increasingly set their sights on policy opportunities that can support and advance health and well-being in buildings, organizations and communities.
We are advancing a set of policy priorities positioned to help strengthen our communities and better elevate health across federal investments, including support for critical facility improvements in schools, libraries, healthcare facilities, affordable housing and other critical infrastructure.
Through the recent launch of the Healthy Workplaces Coalition, we brought together nearly 40 national organizations, industry leaders and trade associations to focus on advocating for healthier and safer buildings.
Embracing opportunities to collaborate with cities everywhere in their efforts to create safer, healthier places.
Our local advocacy focuses on efforts to help cities integrate health and well-being across the foundation of their communities. In 2020, we launched a multi-year partnership with the National League of Cities (NLC), the voice of more than 2,400 cities, towns and villages in the United States, representing more than 200 million people. Together, we are working to educate, activate and inspire city leaders, while also exploring new opportunities to encourage cities to demonstrate leadership and address health, safety and equity challenges.
Developing a partnership program to partner to inspire and recognize city leadership
In anticipation of introducing a new WELL City Program in 2023, IWBI launched this year a global network of advisors to help advance human health and equity in cities. The WELL City Advisory is focused on exploring ways to support local governments worldwide in demonstrating leadership on advancing health and well-being across their buildings, organizations and communities. Over the next several months, the Advisory will inform, guide and steer the development of strategies that aim to empower cities to take leadership actions across human health, equity and well-being.
We want all our school facilities, our children’s home away from home, to be as healthy as they can be. As longtime members of the Building America’s School Infrastructure Coalition (BASIC)—the nation’s leading nonpartisan coalition of organizations that support federal funding for school modernization—we are helping under-served public school districts to build better, healthier schools.
IWBI led an effort to update a seminal report on the State of Our Schools, the nation’s premier resource on the state of K-12 school facilities and their impact on student learning, student and staff health, and equity. The report, produced in partnership with the 21st Century Schools Fund, the National Council on School Facilities, and more than 30 endorsing organizations, found the country was underinvesting in school buildings by a staggering $85 billion every single year.
—Miguel Cardona Education Secretary